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TThe greatest joy is shared joy!


You are welcome to purchase a voucher for the Cœur D'Artichaut using the link below. ​


To do this, you simply have to follow the steps of the system, after receipt of the money you will receive an email with a voucher code. The code is enough for us to redeem the voucher, the e-mail does not have to be presented. ​


Unfortunately, we have to admit that the e-mail with the code is not very nice to give as a gift, but technically there is no other way to present it at the moment. You can therefore use our templates below to create a nicer voucher or get creative yourself. You are also welcome to pick up unprinted menu sheets or business cards during normal opening hours. ​


Have fun giving away! ​


Your Coeur D'artichaut team

TThe greatest joy is shared joy!


You are welcome to purchase a voucher for the Cœur D'Artichaut using the link below. ​


To do this, you simply have to follow the steps of the system, after receipt of the money you will receive an email with a voucher code. The code is enough for us to redeem the voucher, the e-mail does not have to be presented. ​


Unfortunately, we have to admit that the e-mail with the code is not very nice to give as a gift, but technically there is no other way to present it at the moment. You can therefore use our templates below to create a nicer voucher or get creative yourself. You are also welcome to pick up unprinted menu sheets or business cards during normal opening hours. ​


Have fun giving away! ​


Your Coeur D'artichaut team

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